Invader Zim quotes that live rent-free in my head to this day.
- "I made maaashed potatoes!" —GIR
- "Why was there BACON IN THE SOAP??" "Aahhh made it mahself!" —Zim & GIR
- "But invader's blood marches through my veins like giant RADIOACTIVE RUBBER PANTS! The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!" —Zim
- "It's me! I was the turkey ALL ALONG!" —GIR
- "I saw a squirrel! It was doin' like this! *chitters*" —GIR
- "I was born with webbed fish toes... like some kind of horrible fish boy. Wanna see?" —Dirge
- "Destruction is nice!" —Zim
- "What are you doing, GIR?" "...Nothing..." "Nothing... or something?" —Zim & GIR
- "ARMS... LIKE... NOOODLES!!" —Dib
- "Sorry... I'm late... horrible... nightmare visions..." "It's called life, Dib. Sit down!" —Dib & Ms. Bitters
- "I have a MIGHTY NEED [to use the restroom once again]!" —Zim
- "It's got chicken legs!" —GIR
- "Awwww, I wanted to explode." —GIR
- "It's not stupid; it's advanced!" —Tallest Purple
- "Why isss his head so big? Whyyy is his heeead so biiig?" —GIR
- "YAAAY, I'm gonna be SICK! *vomits*" —GIR
- "Have you the brain worms??" —Zim
- "Prepare your bladder for iminent release!!" —Zim
- "GIR, your waffles have sickened me! Fetch me the BUCKET!" —Zim
- "But I need tacos! I need them or I will explode. That happens to me sometimes..." —GIR
- "Go home and shave your giant head of smell with your bad self!" "Okay, there's all kinds of things wrong with what you just said." —Zim & Dib
- "What about me? How do I get back?" "Good question! But I don't care!" —Dib & Zim
- "Computeeer! Take me to the weasels!" —Zim
- "Hey look, they're gonna start making artificial beavers." —Zim
- "Hi floor! Make me a sammich!" —GIR
- "Shut your face butt!!" —Zim*
* from the comic series